Lessons in Coping With Scarcity and Uncertainty
What the book does show is the need to help each other out when we’re in trouble. Roxy, Rufus, and Renae don’t just befriend the other raccoons — they help another mom and kit out of a bad jam. In turn, they’re helped out of their own jams.
Raccoon Retreat: Baby Raccoon Dystopia
As Raccoon Retreat, the sequel to Raccoon Rescue, heads into production, I’m recalling exactly what an unexpected slog it
One Way a Free Book Exchange Helps Indie Authors — and Literacy
I haven’t been putting a lot of attention towards marketing lately, either for Raccoon Rescue or for Raccoon Retreat
Coexistence Perspectives From Wildlife Experts
[Back when I had a Facebook account] I follow[ed] a lot of wildlife rehabbers. Like, A LOT. More than